Real Stories

Hear the difference live-in care can make, from people who’ve experienced it

Live-in care can make a huge, life-changing difference to people’s lives. Read genuine stories from people who’ve experienced live-in care first-hand.

Penny gets her life and friends back

Penny, 72, had already suffered a stroke, resulting in the onset of vascular dementia, memory loss and confusion. After she had a fall, her family wasn’t able to care for her full-time, so arranged for Penny to move into a care home. While satisfied with the level of care, Penny felt lonely and afraid, while missing her friends and neighbours. After her family heard about live-in care, they brought in two specialist dementia carers from The Good Care Group; one, more mature with lots in common with Penny. She now alternates two week assignments with a younger, bubbly Australian carer who loves to cook. The service is both subtle and highly supportive, giving Penny a real sense of independence. From doing the washing up, to putting away the shopping and seeing friends, Penny lives as active a life as possible, doing wonders for her general wellbeing.

Penny’s daughter Lesley says: “The solution of one-to-one care in her own home from The Good Care Group is perfect. It lets my mother be sociable in her own environment. She’s now got her life and her friends back.”

myths about ageing

Better health for Betty

Di, a retired district nurse and now a special needs teacher, explains how live-in care from Consultus Care & Nursing has given Betty, her 97-year-old mother, the chance to remain at home and live as independently as possible.

“My mother had always made it absolutely clear she was not going to leave the family home under any circumstances. She and my father, who passed away in 1978 at the age of 60, built our family home together and she’s lived there since 1950. She’s always been fiercely independent and before her fall in June 2013 was still very active in the community.”

Betty became frail and her health deteriorated after a fall – further complicated when an infection left her very ill. Aged 96, she clearly needed full-time nursing care.

Having nursed in the field for many years, Di knew all about live-in care. She also had friends with elderly parents being looked after by Consultus nurses. As Di explains: “I immediately thought of using them. I knew they were professional and well trained, so we used a nurse for a week. As a Guy’s Hospital-trained nurse, I have exacting standards and I expect care to be excellent – and it always is. Thanks to the constant care and efficient nursing, my mother has now returned to better health and is well cared for 24/7 by a live-in carer.”

Di and her sisters were sharing the care of their mother before Consultus and they’re still very much involved with the care Betty receives.

“We’re fortunate to be in a position to choose the care we want. I can see that for some it would be out of reach and that’s a shame, because for our family it’s been the perfect solution. Mummy will be 98 this year and I can see her going on for some time yet, thanks to the support of a Consultus live-in carer.”

healthy lifestyle

Steve flying high once again

Steve, 88, a retired pilot with dementia, lives with his wife and primary carer, Anne. Having become very easily agitated and attached to Anne, who could barely be left alone – even to visit the toilet – he would become paranoid and aggressive as soon as she was out of sight. Convinced she was leaving him, Steve’s anti-psychotic medication wasn’t helping. Anne was also burnt out from providing 24/7 care.

So Anne decided to bring in a live-in carer from The Good Care Group, specially-trained in dementia and ground-breaking SPECAL techniques (where earlier recollections can be tapped into using positive memories).

Steve is now happy to be at home while Anne takes a regular day out with her daughter. She’s even been able to go on holiday to recharge her batteries, with Steve’s earlier outbursts rarely a problem.

As Anne explains: “Live-in care lets me make time for myself, meaning that when I spend time with Steve, I can give him the love, care and attention he deserves.”

Live in Care Gives Family Peace of Mind

91 year old Midge and has a diagnosis of Dementia. She lives in Buckinghamshire with Tom her son a retired RAF officer and his wife Carol who works in the NHS Safeguarding department. They decided that Midge should move in with them after she had a series of falls in her own home, she was getting in a muddle with her medication and started to neglect herself. It was clear that she needed around the clock supervision.

Since Midge moved in with her son she is enjoying good health and is being well looked after with her family around her. Tom and Carol have a busy and full life, they enjoy time out with friends and regular holidays. They had considered placing Midge in a care home for respite care while they were away on holiday but they were concerned that the upheaval of unfamiliar surroundings would be upsetting for her. When they found out about live in care as an alternative to residential care, particularly that the cost of live in care compared favourably to that of respite care in a home, they realised that it was the ideal solution. It allowed them to continue to enjoy life while having the peace of mind that Midge was well cared for in her own home.

Tom and Carol go on regular holidays and while they are away Ashridge Home Care have worked with the family to provide a fully managed live in care service. The carer provides all the care and assistance Midge needs, including preparing meals, housekeeping and very important companionship.

“Having a live in carer looking after Midge while we are away gives us so much reassurance, we know that she is being well looked after and she enjoys the company. It’s a brilliant service and something we didn’t even know existed until recently!” (Tom Kerr, Buckinghamshire)

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