loneliness in the elderly

How To Avoid Loneliness When You Live Alone

Living alone can happen by choice or by circumstance and although it can be a blessing for some people, at times it can also be a real challenge.


Living alone, you do have the advantage of absolute freedom to do as you please, watching what you want on TV, eating what you want, napping whenever you want – it can be nice.


But the curse of living alone is, ultimately, being lonely. Living alone can be really challenging and even the most well-balanced of people can struggle with sadness and a sense of isolation. According to AgeUK 3.6 Million people live alone in the UK and 1.9 million of those often feel ignored or isolated. But you don’t have to feel alone or lonely just because you live alone.



So how do you overcome feelings of loneliness? Try asking yourself the following questions:


Are You Leaving The House As Much As You Can?

Sometimes it is easier to stay in and avoid the world, but just walking outside in the sunshine (or even the rain) or to the local shop will lift your mood and remind you that you’re not alone and that there is still much to enjoy.


Do You Feel More Alone Than You Actually Are?

Your mind can play tricks on you when you are on your own and it is important to recognise that these feelings may not be real. You might feel alone, but if you were to contact family and friends, neighbours and people you know socially, they would be there for you. If your mind ever tells you that you are alone, pick up the phone and ring somebody who can help you avoid those feelings and provide reassurance that you aren’t as alone as you might feel.


Have You Reached Out To The Local Community?

If your social circle is lacking, it could be time to reach out to the local community. Look at clubs, coffee mornings and events where you can meet people your age and make new friends. Remember there will be plenty of other people in the same situation also looking for new friendships. You’re never too old to make a new friend.


Are You Giving In To Being Alone?

Are you in a routine of getting up and watching TV, having groceries delivered and never going out? You might have given up because you’ve stopped making the effort to spend time with other people. You might also be worried about being with other people and have developed the habit of avoiding social situations. Recognise your attitude to being alone and be more proactive to avoid loneliness.

Do You Need Help?

Sometimes we can become isolated because we need help. Maybe your physical needs affect your ability to get out, or you don’t know how to reach out to local groups and social opportunities. If you have in home care services your carer will be more than happy to help you gain a social life. If you don’t have any help at home, instead reach out to friends and family to ask for help or to your local community centre, church or other religious group. There are also amazing charities like Friends Of The Elderly and Age UK who will be able to help you. Don’t be afraid to reach out, there are always people who want to help.


Remember that you don’t have to be lonely when you live alone. Be aware of what you are doing and thinking to combat loneliness and don’t be afraid to try new things, there’s always room for a rich and happy social life whatever your age.

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17 Comments. Leave new

  • A very important topic! By having a live-in carer; as well as being a companion, they are able to go with you to social activities in the local community.

  • This is such a lovely reminder that, even when you feel lonely, it’s important to remember that you are not alone. As you say, just walking along the road, people will say good morning and you instantly feel better.

  • Being lonely is horrible. It was heartbreaking to think my mum would be at home alone. Live in care means she has someone to chat to whenever she wants. 🙂

  • Being lonely is horrible. The main reason for mum having live in care is that we could not bear the thought of her being at home all day without talking to anyone.

  • Very true and good advice ideas, lots of our older generation are lonely and this can lead to depression.

  • Once again, a good thought provoking article and loneliness could affect us all at some stage in our lives.

  • Absolutely vital – lonliness is a killer!

  • Some excellent ideas for live-in carers to help their clients combat loneliness.

  • Loneliness can be every bit as painful as physical illness – some great tips to concentrate on our mental wellbeing

  • Another great article highlighting a very important issue.

  • loneliness is far more of an issue than any of us would ever think could happen – I have seen some wonderful examples of how live in care can address this through the creation of really meaningful relationships…

  • Thank you for so many comments – the issue of loneliness as we get older is difficult to think about, speak about and write about, but it is so important to do so. If we don’t face the issue head on then there is little chance of combating loneliness, whatever your age.

  • As my mother is getting older in her years, I am wanting to make sure that she is being looked after even if I can’t be there to do so.

  • […] of the many reasons that live-in care can make an impact on those living with dementia. Although avoiding loneliness is not going to prevent the disease, it can certainly help slow its progression. A live-in carer is […]

  • My mother is 96. Her mental condition is starting to worry me. . She repeats questions seconds after asking them, is tearful at times and gets upset and worried. What can I do?


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